Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The End of an Era

I have been long gone from MAN205, but the legacy has continued and I have continued to visit my second home from time to time. But the time has come that MAN205 be retired. My fellow founders Steve and Hyrum will be leaving this summer, moving into the Swamp, and no one will inhabit the apartment for four months while CP does its renovation magic on it. When the doors open again in August it will be an entirely different place. It will probably have new linoleum, new lighting fixtures, and maybe even a new shower head that doesn't need a Chip Clip to function. There will be no more plastic tub of rollerblades, no more sexy 'stache poster, no more projector, no more Brazilian flag and no more Green Lantern. No more accumulation of Steve's ratpacking which has proven useful to so many people looking for random stuff, no more smelly sheets of Hyurum on the bottom bunk of the MANCAVE, and no more 32 inch flatscreen 4 inches from Don's bed (not in MAN205, at least). No more old bacon that Steve will ask you to smell check before he eats, no more meat left on the counter that David will inevitably eat or food in the microwave that Steve forgot about.
One current resident will remain after this summer, and has decided not to carry on the tradition of honor that goes with MAN205, so its retirement is necessary. For this reason I suggest a retirement ceremony. We must find someone to play taps on a trumpet for us (a man, preferrably). A trombone will work as well as long as he who plays it has not broken Man Law. Maybe we can get Erik to do it on the susaphone. We shall disodge the M, A, and N, replacing it with an n if we can find one. All past inhabitants should be present: Me, Steve, Hyrum, Dave, Andrew, Matt, Don, Scott, David, Brian, and even he who shall not be named, that he may see the shame that has befallen the apartment in the wake of his transgressions. The un-manning shall be preceded by some sort of speech and followed by some sort of song and some sort of dessert. I prayer should be said before the dessert, but instead we shall have a moment of silence, when people can pray in their head if they'd like to.
In light of the retirement of MAN205, let us never forget the great moments of that apartment and its legacy. Let us record here the great times and seasons of MAN205, and continue to create MANmories through reunion tours, MANites and MANtivities. Let us never break the bonds forged in the depths of the MANCAVE and under the light of the green lantern. Brethren, let us be men.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Don's first days

When I first moved in to Man205, my first thoughts were how it seemed to be tucked away, a cave of an apartment. The door was open and the only light I could see crept in from the doorway behind me, only to light the floor and end in darkness. Packing my stuff into my room, I hung out in the living room, noticing a slight mold smell that accompanied the place.
I then met the roommates, who seemed so strange back then compared to now. I met the girls who frequented the apartment at that time, one who seemed intensely enthusiastic to meet new people, one who blamed a roommate for the weather; shortly thereafter, I returned home for a month.

Upon my return, it was nothing but parties and couples. Roommates and their girlfriends, Karaoke parties with fried oreos.

We've quieted down a lot since I moved in. Strange, that.

It has become my home, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave it yet.

My First Day

I can still remember the day I moved into MAN205, howbeit somewhat vaguely. August 2, 2007. JJ and Hyrum helped me carry boxes in and Carin came with an Apricot cobbler to celbrate. Carlos was sleeping on the love sack through all of this.
The next night we threw a fish fry karaokee party. Fried catfish, hush puppies, coleslaw and homemade tartar sauce. Dave was a big help in the frying department and the homemade tartar sauce. I made ice cream cake and sang "When A Man Loves a Woman." Hyrum sang "Space Oddity" for the very first time. I don't think anyone had any idea that it would become a cult classic at these gigs, including the amazing effect the strobe light would have on it. That night Dave wanted to attempt scaling the Y smokestack. Dave, Steve, Andrew, Dana and I ventured forth and ended up climbing the KMB after a failed attempt at the smokestack. This marked my first of many MAN205 adventures.